PRIS ♥ My name's Prissy. My world comes together with rainbows and everlasting sunshine. Billy's my white horse and Friends are my company. Pink is not my thing because I've got too many sweets in my life. |
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Sunday, August 29, 2010
this is a random update post I think I'm anthrophobic. I fear people, maybe except for my family and the few close friends. I don't like to be in crowds. I don't like to talk to people. I don't like to be around people. I don't like people. I'm scared of people. I'm a born-loner. Maybe that's who I am. Work, worsens it alot. I just don't like to open my mouth. I don't like to speak. I don't like to expose myself to people. I don't even like to listen to random stupid nonsense. I don't like people to intrude into my private space. I don't like alot of things about people. So that is why I'm mostly quiet. So that is why I look like I'm damn dao. So that is why some people think I'm PMS-ing. So that is why I don't like to go out. So that is why I'm like that. Ok, that aside, I met dear yesterday! (: Had ban mian at city plaza before going to the warehouse sales of TSR/RBN/EGP. Pretty stuff they had but some were original priced, so booo. But i managed to get 2 tops and a dress for 30bucks only! awesome la! but the dress was defected and I had to sew it back myself. But otherwise it was goooood, better than BC's!! ((: Me loves dear ♥ !! She doesn't like going to fleas but she accompanied me yest!! ♥♥♥ And the family went to Chinatown after that! Bought my stuff so I don't need to head down myself ((: Oh, and Mdm Ong left TK alr ): sad maxxx coz she's the soul of my TK education. The only one that followed me form Sec 1 to Sec 4. Now that she's gone, I don't see any much reason to go back anymore ): How i wish I could still be in TK, under her care! ): Off to bathe and let my phone sync with my new lappie!! (: I cannot wait for dinner with the girls tml after work. and Wednesday when mummy takes half-day leave to accompany me to Dr Han's and to Vivo after that!! Tata~ 3:43 PM
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
人世间有种情感叫“喜欢”,另一种叫“爱”。 人世间有种情感叫“喜欢”,另一种叫“爱”。爱是他在的时候,眼睛里只有他一人;他不在的时候,一切都带有他的影子。 喜欢是在深夜看书时突然想起他,想象他现在做什么,心里漾起一阵轻飘飘的温暖,却从不主动给他打电话。几分钟后,注意力又重新被书中的情节吸引! 爱是在寂寞的夜里,思念如潮水般涌来,手里捧着书却怎么也看不进去,心里惦记着他此时是否还在加班,吃没吃晚饭,是不是如自己想着他一般想着自己 喜欢是和他讨论问题争的面红耳赤,各不相让,在他面前像个刺猬一样从不认输,但在心里却早已暗暗佩服他的见地他的才华。 爱是希望他和自己步调一致,和自己心灵相通,他无心说的一句玩笑话也能让自己顷刻情绪低落甚至眼泪汪汪。在他面前,自己是从不设防的。 喜欢是出门在外给他发个短信,告诉他这边的天气很好,然后把手机关掉,独自在异地疯玩一个星期,晒成一个黑人后突然出现在他面前吓他一跳。 爱是无论到哪都希望有他陪伴。可以站在海边给他打手机,让他听听海浪的声音;也可以因为在异乡的街道上看到一个酷似他的背影而愣在原地久久不动。 喜欢是他出差前简单的道一声“一路平安”,看着他离去的背影,心中有一点不舍,却什么也不说,只是默默等待他归来的消息. 爱是他临出差前千叮咛万嘱咐,往他的背包里塞满衣服和食物,在车站要等到火车开走才肯离开。并且在他走后的日子里天天心神不定,一遍遍的祈祷他能够平安归来。 喜欢是在受伤的时候,不想让他看到自己脆弱的一面,在他面前把眼泪悄悄抹掉,转过头依然是一副快乐坚强的模样。 爱是在受委屈的时候,爬在他的胸前痛哭,没有伪装没有顾虑,把所有的烦恼统统告诉他,并渴望从他的怀抱中得到安慰。 喜欢是和他周末逛街逛累了一起吃肯德基;是在寒冷的冬天和他抢一杯热咖啡;是和他并肩走在街上中间始终隔着半米的距离;是陪他一起在电脑前打游戏两个人笑的像个孩子。 爱是周末利用半天时间亲手做出几道好菜满足的看他吃下去;是在寒冷的冬天不断为他的咖啡杯里续上热水;是和他走在街上任由他紧紧挽着自己的手;是在他旁边安静着做着,幸福地看着他在电脑前工作时专心的样子。 喜欢是听他讲自己童年的趣事,然后哈哈大笑,心中涌起一阵莫名的感动。 爱是听他将自己童年的趣事,然后微微一笑,心中更加怜惜眼前这个曾经如此调皮捣蛋的男人 喜欢是在楼道里碰上他,愉快的和他打声招呼,再简单寒暄几句,擦肩而过的时候看见了窗外明媚的阳光,心情无端好了起来。 爱是在楼道了看见他,脸上装出一副毫不在乎的表情,但在擦肩而过时细心感受身边颤动的空气,于是忍不住回头望一眼 喜欢是看到他和另一个女孩牵手走过,心里有一点点疼,但很快会冲着朝阳重新扬起笑脸。 爱是输不爱是输不起的游戏,付出全部只后,留下的可能仅仅是刻在心底的一道伤痕 喜欢一个人是想要他是自己的,所以,可以喜欢很多人,想要很多人都是自己的。 爱是明明离不开他,却要不得不放弃他,因为他要的幸福,也许我给不了。不敢霸占他,希望看他找到幸福,即使那份幸福不是跟我分享的。 喜欢是,希望寂寞的时候,无聊的时候,伤感的时候,找个人说说话。 爱是,在任何时候都想跟他分享,快乐的时候甚至希望把错有快乐都给了他。 喜欢是,在很久很久没联络的时候,接到他的电话,然后笑着听他说话。 爱是,在几天没有联络的时候,着急得的打电话给他,然后忍住眼泪笑一笑。 喜欢,只有在一起的时候,才惦记着对方。 爱,是哪怕是在一起,每一秒钟也都在思念思念他。 喜欢一个人,多数许多朋友,也会觉得快乐。 爱一个人,是多一个人,都会难受的两个人的世界。 喜欢一个人,是甜腻的。爱一个人,是苦尽甘来的。 喜欢一个人,在一起的时候会很开心 爱一个人,在一起的时候,会莫名的失落 喜欢一个人,你不会想到你们的将来 爱一个人,你们常常在一起憧憬明天 喜欢一个人,在一起的时候永远是欢乐 爱一个人,你会常常流泪 喜欢一个人,当你们好久不见,你会突然想起他 爱一个人,当你们好久不见,你会天天想着他 喜欢一个人,当你想起他,你会微微一笑 爱一个人,当你想起他,你会对着天空发呆 喜欢一个人,你会想他有了孩子,你一定会很喜欢 爱一个人,会有一天,你突然很好奇:将来我们的孩子会是什么样子 喜欢一个人就是希望大家都开心 爱一个人希望他会更开心 喜欢一个人,你要得只是今天 爱一个人,你期望的是永远 喜欢一个人,是看到了他的优点 爱一个人,是包容了他的缺点 当你站在你爱的人面前,你的心跳会加速 但当你站在你喜欢的人面前,你只感到开心 当你与你爱的人四目交投,你会害羞 但当你与你喜欢的人四目交投,你只会微笑 当你与你爱的人对话,你觉得难以启齿 但当你和你喜欢的人对话,你可以畅所欲言 当你爱的人哭,你会陪她一起哭 但当你喜欢的人哭,你会技巧的安慰她. 当你不想再爱一个人,你要闭上眼睛并忍着泪水 当你不想再喜欢一个人,你只要掩住双耳! 喜欢,是一种心情 爱,是一种感情 喜欢,是一种直觉 爱,是一种感觉 喜欢,可以停止 爱,没有休止 喜欢一个人,特别自然 爱一个人,特别坦然 喜欢一个人,有时候盼和他在一起 爱一个人,有时候怕和他在一起 喜欢一个人,不停的和他争执 爱一个人,不停的为他付出 喜欢一个人,希望他可以随时找到自己 爱一个人,希望可以随时找到他 喜欢一个人,总是为他而笑 爱一个人,总是为他而哭 喜欢,是执着 爱,是值得 喜欢就是喜欢,很简单 爱就是爱,很复杂 喜欢你,却不一定爱你 爱你,就一定很喜欢你 其实,喜欢和爱仅一步之遥 但,想要迈这一步 就看你 是喜欢迈这一步 还是爱迈这一步 From: Labels: ramblings 9:26 PM
My Letter to You Dear You, I will admit that sometimes I really do wonder if you exist. There is a part of every little girl’s heart that envisions her Prince Charming. At age three, it is usually of a man who can save her from the wrath of an evil stepmother, wake her from eternal slumber or give her that true love’s kiss. In elementary school, he becomes the boy who’s willing to cross the playground to share his Oreos even if he only has one, the one who runs all around the school with you even if it means getting told off by the teacher. Come high school, it’s that boy whom you meet every weekend to study, even if it means giving up leisure activities. He, the one whom you stand with at prom, take photos with during graduation, whom you have memories of that make you laugh at years later. Twenty years into this life, however, and still unwilling to give my heart away, I am still that same little girl who hopes for her Prince Charming. And although I wonder why it has taken you this long to sweep me off my feet and whisk me off to your palace on horseback, I know that it is probably because meeting you will be better than any fairytale I could’ve read as a kid. A couple of heartbreaks and a few years wiser though, I will admit that there are times when I question your existence. Because I have yet to meet the guy who makes me hear songs like “All My Life” or “A Whole New World” in my head when I see him, does not mean I don’t hope that it’ll ever happen. I may already know you or may still meet you someday—something I leave completely up to God because I’m pretty sure our story will be epic. However, I can’t promise you that I’d make the world’s most perfect princess. In fact I’ll probably keep you on your toes and amuse you with my eccentricities—there are a lot of them. I’ll probably steal a bunch of your T-shirts and turn them into my pyjamas, or drive you slightly mad with my obsessive compulsivity and my need to fix your collar constantly. I can promise to be your best friend however—that person you can rant to after a rough day, the hand you can hold when you get sad, or the person you can text when situations get awkward or even when you're just plain bored. I’ll probably mess up your hair sometimes and hug you for too long, but that’ll only be because I absolutely adore you. I’ll bury my head in your shoulder during scary movies and make you feel like superman when you kill those flying cockroaches that really shouldn’t exist. I’ll cook your favorite food on your birthday and try my best to make friends with your mom. I’ll respect your nights-out with the boys and make you seem like the perfect guy to my barkada (group of friends). I’ll watch soccer games and cartoons with you, and not complain when you cheer too loudly at the TV set. I’ll know the difference between giving you space and being constantly there for you—even if it means sitting and playing video games with you or taking hot chocolate runs when it rains. I’ll listen to your music and we’ll go on epic adventures together—seeing the world, taking awesome pictures, eating awesome food, and never running out of things to tell each other along the way. I won’t be waiting for you to sweep me off my feet and take me on a magic carpet ride, because I know I won’t need anything like that to fall for you—I will love you for you. You will be that someone to make goofy faces with in pictures, to lace fingers with when I’m lonely, and to take long walks and lie under the stars with on the beach. You’ll be the guy who takes me the way I am—and will laugh as I burst into a random mumble or pick out pink wallpapers. You’ll be that someone I envision a future with—us, filling out visa forms as we travel the universe, picking out our first dog together and arguing about what to name it, or being snap-happy stage parents in our preschooler’s annual mini-plays. And I keep hoping that maybe someday when we find each other, you will become that someone whose smile I wake up to in the morning and the last one I speak to every night. So to the man I know that does exist, and who will help me maybe make sense of the world someday, this man I can’t wait to love. Please know that I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. But for now, I wait. Fingers crossed and palms held together, I hope that you’re out there somewhere, waiting for me, too. With the hope that I will be yours for always, Me Reposted from Novell’s blog Credits to: Labels: ramblings 9:07 PM
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Work's fine alr. But everything else isn't. In no mood and strength to blog anything in full. I will prolly be back when I take leave, on 1/9 (: 11:07 PM
Sunday, August 15, 2010
)): I am the very emo now ): somehow I'm not looking forward to work anymore. It's such a lonely wake up time of 530am, lonely 1hr journey to work, lonely 9hr of work, lonely 1hr back home ): Can I not work? And still get the money? I'll be bored, I don't have ppl to talk to me, I'll be afraid I'll do badly that they don't want to employ me anymore. I'm such a baby ): 9:15 PM
Friday, August 13, 2010
I'm not a camwhore, really. FOOD: Fish&Co Seafood Platter for One Its damndamndamn alot of food for "One" or even "Two". I think it can feed "Three" Asian Kitchen (Ion) Roasted Duck & Potato Leaves I last had this with Shuhuan on my birthday last year and we had it again yesterday!! ((: It's yumyums, but the bowl of rice cost 1freakingbuck and I forced myself to finish 3/4 of it coz I couldn't bear to waste that 1freakingbuck haha. BUYS: Cream Wedges Saw this on Tues with Eli, but the person was telling me that there wasn't anymore small sizes so I didn't bother asking for my size. Then when I went with Shuhuan, she so tempted me to buy so I asked and I only managed to get it a size smaller, but it fits snugly so I got it! :D Love it loadddds coz its so versatile and pretty!! ((: Folio Sandals I love Folio sandals coz they're so damn lasting. My current pair of sandals is like 1 year old and counting and still surviving well. I locked this up in the shoe cupboard alr, so I won't be tempted to wear it till school starts, unlike my CnK slippers which I said the same thing but I've worn it a million times alr hahaha. And its a steal at $17.90! I got my previous sandals for like close to 30? and I like how the thick and thin straps contrast niceeeee ((: Motorcycle Shades! I have no idea why I bought it but haha, it's pretty and not really the usual square/circle/oval shape shades people have :P Randoms: Me loves this maxi like crazyyy. I've tried it twice, twice I was tempted to buy, but it's like 35bucks and I'm not that ready to spend 35bucks on a maxi which i will wear for less than 10times? Plus Shuhuan says that it looks ok only, and arghhhs haha. But it's really freaking lovee. I mean, it's so difficult to find a maxi to fit my height and this falls finee, with slippers at that. And it's like a braided T-back, and I'm a sucker for T-backs!! ANYONE WANTS TO SPONSOR MEEEEEEE? My happy Eli-love-birthday girl with her present! :D Wrapped her present with colour paper coz I ran out of wrapping paper, and I just cut and paste the Happy Birthday. Satisfied me, Happy eli! ((: Old School Birthday Neoprints!! :D My OPI Collection!! :D I guess once you start using OPI, you wouldn't turn to TFS or others, because OPI polishes are sooo lasting (my toenail polish lasted me for 1 month or longer w/o chipping off!!) Top Row: Base Coat, Can You Tapas This?, Who Needs A Prince, Tickle My Francey (my ultimate fav!) Bottom Row (My newest colours): Rumple's Wiggin', Java Mauve-A, Sheer Your Toys!, Here Today… Aragon Tomorrow A general rule of Pris's: Use pastel/light colours on fingernails, Dark colours on toenails. Somehow my fingernails don't go well with dark colours, maybe coz my nailbeds are long. My toenails are rather stained, so I've got to cover them with dark polishes hahahaha! WIWs: On Eli: BC Chiffon Mini in Deep Purple, White Shorts, Brown Cardi On Me: HH Braided Top in Purple, NF Denim Shorts Wednesday, when I went to JP to meet Eli & yuen + collect my nail polishes BC Unicorn Tee, Random Black shorts, HVV Camel Belt Thrusday, with Shuhuan for shopping in Town TTR Oopsy Daisy Little Floral Dress, HVV Cream Belt, CnK flats OK! I feel so satisfied blogging pictures coz I don't like blogging pictures!! I cannot wait for my new Laptop!! I'm always so afraid that I'd overwork bro's netbook with my massive usage. haha. And I just don't feel comfortable using his netbook to do much.. Oh & Ace-learning hasn't shifted to Ubi, I still have to travel to Science Park everyday ): But money keeps me going wooo! I'm off to wash my toilet =.= Labels: buys, eli, food, shuhuan, wiw 10:01 AM
Monday, August 9, 2010
my home, the world. my friends, no one. Having free time on hand gives me time to think about things. Have been thinking about this for quite a long time, recently also talked about it with Jessie. You know how some people just seem to have a super exciting life, they go out everyday, don't return home till late. How some people just seem to have so many friends. And I was thinking about myself. The number of friends I have can be just counted with the number of fingers and toes I have (by friends, I mean those I go out with, tell intimate things to, and not acquantainces). I head home after school/work everyday, I go out probably once a fortnight and with the same people. Then I think about it. Why is it that I do not have such an exciting life. Why is it that I do not have so many friends. Why is it that I do not live the life that my peers are leading. And I realised, I don't like crowds. I don't really like group interaction. I don't really like talking about myself to others. So I tend to go out with only 1 or 2 friends at a time, and it doesn't really help that I don't have much friends. I stay home almost everyday, because by staying home, I don't need to spend money on food and things that I might buy when I'm out. I stay home because I don't need to jostle in the crowd, worry about transport, think about what to eat. Plus, I make special effort to stay home when my family is at home, because daddy & mummy have been working ot these days and it's so difficult to spend time with them. Even if it means, having to listen to mummy's naggings, I still appreciate the time spent at home. And as for friends, I've always been a anti-social person, I don't fancy being surrounded by many people. Furthermore, I've always been very cautious of friends. I'm afraid that someone one day will betray me. I'm afraid that the friends I make aren't true friends. I'm afraid that the friends I make may hate me but just befriend me because I'm useful to them. I'm afraid that when I am in trouble and tells a friend about it, the friend would find me irritating. I'm afraid because I know this kind of things exist, because I have to admit that I ain't that true to some friends, not because they're of any benefit to me, but just because they just ain't my kind of friend. I don't really look down or be bothered about the minimal friends I have, because in my own world, friends go by quality, not quantity. All being said, I'm thankful for the friends I have. Those who are my friends will know who they are (: I love my friends! (: Labels: ramblings 9:09 PM
Sunday, August 8, 2010
2/8 - 8/8 Its been sucha long time since my blog has photooos haha. my week is summed up by the 3 photos belowww. Weekdays were spent mugging, mugging and mugging. 1 year of attachment just passes so fast. Last paper over, we no longer have to go to the LT for papers, no longer need to alight at outram. Feels kindda sad, but hey, ITS HOLIDAYS NOWWWW!! :D
ohoh me loves the macaroni and cheese there! the macaroni is those S-shaped one. hahahaha would so love to go back there again, but it's a tad pricey.. $26 for that, hahaha. I've got next week as a breather before I start work and start earning money again!! :D the thought of work makes me quite saddd, but the thought of money keeps me goinggg haha. Going to stay home tomorrow since mummy isn't working. Tuesday will be spent with the birthday girl (: I'm still in the midst of planning the rest of the week. I've got a family dinner on Saturday, meeting haoning on sunday to collect our polishes. Probably meet dear on a weekday to get my laptop & shop? Anyhows, its HOLIDAYS!! :D GOODBYE ALL!! gonna bejewel till late and head for dinner at Jack's Place! :D and it's the start of 3 consecutive good food weekends! Labels: 4b, bird, jessie, novell, swizzle, weekly 11:31 AM
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
26/7 - 1/8 Hellohellohello (: I decided to use my lunchtime to blog about my happy last week! (: actually i think i blogged most of it alr lehhs But last week was one of the happiest I've had in recent memory! (: The papers were rather ok, the mugging was quite productive, and most importantly, I finally went to the library on Saturday with the sillyboy! (: The feeling was damn nostalgic!! To have someone to sit opposite me and study with me, gives me the motivation, although my brain was freezed up and I couldn't get much into my head. And we went to our usual coffeeshop to have our usual lunch yayyy! (: And after mugging, the sillyboy accompanied me to look for something before we headed homee! (: Happy day it was! ♥ I'm hoping he won't have FYP this coming saturday so we can go to the library again, this time me to accompany him to study!! haha, I've got my twt essay to do though. And pray the upcoming 2 papers will be relatively ok, so i can let down my hair and enjoyyyyyyy after the paper on friday!! am thinking of what we can do after the paper!! (: What a good prelude to my loooong holidays!! (: Sometimes when I read about what I blog/tweet, I realise I do make myself believe he's mine to be. I know the chances are not very high, but it keeps me real positive. At least I know I've grabbed my chance, done my best, and he knows it and shows it occasionally, which makes me goddamnhappy, because I know I didn't screw anything up. So yes, we're not tgt but I'm happy at that. Sometimes, they say, relationships screw friendships. He's my BFf forever :D Andand can I rant. Sometimes I do wonder why some people just don't know how to live within their means. I've been taught since young to live within my own means, if I don't have enough to buy something, don't buy till you save enough. Which leads to me thinking for like a million years before i decide on buying or doing something. True I spend quite alot on clothes these days, but its one of my happy pills. And its all from my own savings and not from somewhere else. So sometimes I do get irritated by people, even my own cousins, when they spend without thinking/batting an eyelid when making big purchases. They just don't know the value of the money they're spending. And it's not like some people are rich in the very first place. ahlalala nvm, mummy says, one day this kindda people will become really broke and won't be able to recoup everything. wahahahahhaha -end of rant- I'm off to mugggg!! BYEBYE~ Labels: ramblings, sillyboy, weekly 12:53 PM
Monday, August 2, 2010
:( I've got no mood to blog about the very happy past week. I still cannot believe that I made such a horrendous mistake that I didn't even realise till after the paper. Its 3-freaking-marks!! How dumb could I be, really?! Plus the other question which i acted-smart and threw some random equation inside, that's 5-freaking-marks-altogether!!!!! Depressed to the maxmaxmax!! :( /edit: I should have known better than to go take the paper with expectations. It's like tried and tested that everytime I go with expectations, I never fail to screw up the paper. This sucks maxxxx!! It's been haunting me since eons again. I hate exams totally :( 12:43 PM
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